New Teachers Pay Teachers Store!

I'm happy to announce the launch of my new Teachers Pay Teachers store! Right now I only have two offerings available, but I will add more that I have made over the years both as a classroom teacher and homeschooling mom. For now, let me introduce you to the two items that currently being offered.  Today we will start with a free poster about friendship!

You can download this poster for FREE at my TPT store. The only thing I ask is that you please leave a rating. I'm a new seller on TPT, so I need some stars to get me started!

I created this poster to help teach my daughter about friendships. Maintaining uplifting friendships can be tricky for all students, but for young ladies especially. This printable poster lists the qualities of a good friend, with pertinent Scripture verses referenced for further study. You can use this poster as a springboard for a unit on friendship or simply place it in your classroom or homeschool as a visual reminder of how godly friends should act.


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